What could you do if you wanted to have a pizza party, but had no money to purchase the pizza?
Open a lemonade stand! That’s exactly what the boys and girls in Cottage 7 set up last Friday. And their timing was excellent. The recent scorching summer temperatures kept everyone thirsty, — so the lemonade stand on campus brought eager patrons from staff and residents. What fun and entrepreneurship from 6-12 year-olds. And their hard work paid off, raising $240!
Another shout out goes to the boys and girls on the Youth Council, including support staff, who held a strawberry shortcake fundraiser the same day. It was delicious!
The money raised from the strawberry shortcakes will go to support a water slide for Water Daze this summer. They also earned over $240 – great job kids and staff!
Both programs learned some great skills: How to start your own business and market your product. By using teamwork, organization skills and a proper execution, the kids had a great turnout and raised more than enough to purchase items for their summer event.