Residential Programs

The youth in our Residential Programs have emotional/behavioral difficulties leading to involvement with Family Court and require placement with the Department of Social Services or the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.

We use a trauma-informed model framework for the treatment of youth who have experienced trauma or have disabilities that prevent them from being successful at home, at school, or in their community.

Further, we have a skill-based behavioral model — the Boys Town Psychoeducational Model (PEM) adopted by Elmcrest in 2019 — that provides staff with the language and consistent engagement approach to help youth in the program gain the necessary social skills to be successful in all aspects of their lives, beyond residential living.


Campus Long-Term Residential Programs

Elmcrest’s focus on Education, Employability, and Character Building demonstrates our commitment to providing youth in our care with the skills needed for them to be successful in the classroom, workplace, and community.

Elmcrest’s Long-Term Residential Programs provide residential care to almost 60 male and female youth in six “Campus Cottages” located on our beautiful Elmcrest main campus.

We serve youth between the ages of 5–22. Each program, regardless of its focus and differences in the program’s population, provides individual treatment plans that are delivered in a supportive teaching and learning environment.

The capacity of each of our five Critical Care Programs is nine youth.

Each Cottage Team is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of its residents and cottage.

The team works with our direct-care staff, called “Youth Development Professionals,” to maintain consistency and structure; implement the daily routine; and foster an environment conducive to personal and educational growth.

Cottages #1 and #3  

This critical care program works with adolescent males ages 12–18 who have mental health and behavioral needs that require enhanced staffing and clinical services beyond the scope of regular residential programming.

Cottage #7   

This critical care, co-ed facility serves children ages 6–10. A nurturing program design offers nine single bedrooms for children who are unable to be maintained in a foster home level of care.  Many counties have reported significant challenges in finding appropriate foster home placements for these children. Unfortunately, this can result in multiple moves and failed foster home placements, compounding the intensity of the child’s behaviors.

Cottage #8

The Special Supervision and Treatment Programs are based on a developmental model that has a family and youth focus. The ages of this program range between 11-15 years old. The treatment milieu provides the youth with a safe, predictable, highly structured, adult controlled, teaching-learning environment.   This population will receive specialized treatment to address their sexually harmful behaviors.  Various components of this specialized treatment include identification of risks, individual and group therapies, family therapy, including safety planning in the home. Concept groups are the foundation of the program and include safe boundaries, healthy sexuality, empathy skills, and sexual abuse cycle. Staff will focus on how a child responds to his daily milieu providing teaching opportunities to develop pro-social skills.

Cottage #9

A 9 bed critical care program serves young women between ages 13 to 17 years old.  Residents receive weekly individual therapy, attend daily groups, and receive in-the-moment skills coaching from program childcare workers.  Contact with caregivers, family therapy, and engagement with community resources are also considered essential to the change process.  Interventions such as yoga, volunteering, community-based activities, and specific trauma therapies supplement the DBT-informed program.  Residents work with a program mentor weekly and develop individualized treatment objectives within a four phase system that helps monitor and recognize achievements in the treatment process.

Cottage #11

The specialized treatment requirements of younger boys’ ages 10-13. The program offers embellished staffing and supervision combined with enriched clinical and psychiatric services. These young boys have significant emotional trauma and behavioral challenges that are unable to be managed safely at a lower level of care and are requiring frequent moves at a foster care level. The program has a nine bed capacity including 7 singles and one double bedroom, as well. This program can assist children with Permanency Planning Goals of adoption who have struggled for various reasons in a family setting.  Services offered to these youth include; individual and group therapy including play therapy, anger control and social skills training, recreation therapy, including experiential–community access, and a strong emphasis on milieu therapy focusing on attachment and relationship building.



Boarding Home

Agency-Operated Boarding Home (AOBH) – Located at 1204 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210

Agency-Operated Boarding Home (AOBH) at Skeele Valley – Located at 6912 Jones Rd., Tully, NY 13159

The boarding home is an off-campus house in the Westcott neighborhood of Syracuse. This is a homelike environment for young men who have demonstrated a level of responsibility that allows them more exposure to the community.

The Elmcrest Agency Operated Boarding Home (AOBH) is designed to meet the needs of adolescent young men up through their 21st birthday in a community-based setting. The boarding home has a capacity of (6) and has access to agency; psychiatric, medical, and the chaplaincy program.

This is a community reintegration program, meaning with the support of staff, boarding home youth have the ability to participate in recreational and leisure activities in the community as well as utilize the on-campus facilities. While following the principles of our Boys Town behavioral model the young men in the home are eligible to transition from our on-campus school to a community-based school setting, pursue part-time employment in the local community after successfully participating in on-campus employment, participate in extracurricular activities at school, compete in interscholastic athletics, and earn structured unsupervised time in the community.  Additionally, the boys learn to prepare the household meals, do their own laundry, and are responsible for household chores with staff supervision and support.

In its history the boarding home has had successfully partnered with many young men assisting them with assimilating back into a community setting, attending/graduating local public high school, navigating the college or military admissions process, as well as transitioning successfully to an independent living setting or back into their home community.