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Advocates and students gardening outside

Do you want to make a difference in the lives of children and families? Then Elmcrest Children’s Center wants you! We know that working with children is rewarding but difficult….

Celebration not Delayed

…Confederacy had surrendered in the Civil War. At Elmcrest, no delay kept the boys and girls from celebrating this holiday. Shereen Webb, Director of Residential Education and Employment at Elmcrest

A Special Thanks

…fun run and one of our Elmcrest students participated, handing out water and cheering runners on. Helping an organization such as this, compliments Elmcrest’s mission of cultivating values and positive…

Children’s Mental Health

…the children’s mental health crisis, consistent with the Elmcrest mission of helping children at risk overcome major challenges. The Boeheim Foundation has been a strong supporter of Elmcrest and a…


…to a colorful afternoon. Euclid House is Elmcrest’s Boarding Home designed to meet the needs of adolescent young men up through their 21st birthday. In a community-based setting, these boys…

Giving Tuesday

LITTLE PEOPLE deserve BIG FUTURES! Our Early Education Program plays a vital role in laying the foundation for a successful and fulfilling life. Designed to nurture young minds.  Provide them…

An Exciting Chapter

Elmcrest youth at the Teen Book Festival in Rochester. A short trip to Rochester was the highlight of a recent weekend for six Elmcrest students. They traveled to the Greater…

It’s Officer Jackson!

Officer Jackson speaking with Elmcrest Northside Early Ed children. The children in pre-Kindergarten class at Northside Elmcrest’s Early Education Center happily welcomed Syracuse Police Officer Jackson for a visit.  Officer…

Summer Fun

The Science Fair projects still resonate with the student participants and staff at Elmcrest. A  grant from National Grid brought this Summer STEM Learning Program to boys and girls on…