The Christmas tree at Casey’s Place is making all the children smile! Santa came early, thanks to a visit from the students in Skaneateles Middle School who delivered a sleigh-full of toys!

our youth at Casey’s Place.
Skaneateles Middle School Student Council’s annual holiday shopping spree is one of the most wholesome events of their school year. Thanks to generous funding from the CNYCentral Foundation, Todd’s Fund, and the Middle School Student Council, these students were able to shop and deliver gifts to local charities.
Student organizers came up with the plans this shopping spree. Middle School Student Council officers Beckett O’Brien, Colton Bone, Peter Salzhauer, and Magnus Arroyo, participated in last year’s shopping spree. But they were surprised to learn how much work goes into making the event a success. “You don’t see what happens behind the scenes,” said Bone. “It’s a lot more work than we thought it would be, but it’s a lot of fun.”
One look under this tree validates their efforts. They delivered more than presents – witnessed in the smiles of the children with severe disabilities who make Casey’s Place such a special place.